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Journal of fish biology

Publication date: 2004-04-01
Volume: 64 Pages: 1143 - 1146
Publisher: Blackwell publishing ltd


Stevens, Maarten
Rappe, G ; Maes, Joachim ; Van Asten, B ; Ollevier, Frans


atlantic croaker, ballast water, exotic species, micropogonias undulatus, north sea, scheldt estuary, fish, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Fisheries, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, North Sea, Scheldt Estuary, ATLANTIC CROAKER, FISH, 0602 Ecology, 0608 Zoology, 0704 Fisheries Sciences, 3005 Fisheries sciences, 3103 Ecology, 3109 Zoology


Two living specimens of the Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus have been caught during recent years in Belgian waters (Southern Bight of the North Sea): one in August 1998 as a by-catch of the commercial shrimp fishery in coastal waters, another in October 2001 on a tidal flat in the brackish part of the Scheldt Estuary. These represent the first records of this north-west Atlantic species in European waters, and their occurrence is likely to be due to transportation in ship ballast water. (C) 2004 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.