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Studies on neotropical fauna and environment

Publication date: 2007-04-01
Volume: 42 Pages: 71 - 81
Publisher: Taylor & francis ltd


Rejas, Danny
De Meester, Luc ; Ferrufino, Lena ; Maldonado, Mabel ; Ollevier, Frans


bolivia, diel vertical migration, varzea lake, zooplankton, chaoboridae, diptera, daphnia, lunar, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Zoology, Bolivia, DIPTERA, LUNAR, 0608 Zoology, Ecology, 3109 Zoology


We studied diel vertical migration (DVM) of a variety of zooplanktonic taxa. Our results fit the predictions of the predator avoidance hypothesis, with larger taxa performing normal migrations to avoid fish predation and smaller taxa performing reversed migrations, probably to avoid predation by Chaoborus. Cladocerans and adults of copepods displayed normal DVM, whereas cyclopoid copepodites did not migrate. Five rotifer taxa migrated in a normal pattern whereas four taxa migrated in a reverse pattern. Our results suggest that during the day microcrustaceans moved close to the bottom, while rotifers showed narrower migration amplitudes. Larvae of the invertebrate predator Chaoborus displayed strong normal DVM, and appeared to synchronize its life cycle with the lunar cycle, with mass emergence of adults around New Moon.