Pest Management Science
dust drift, laser diffraction, micro-CT, sonic sieving, particle size distribution, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Agronomy, Entomology, Agriculture, ABRASION DUST, SHEAR-FLOW, EMISSION, SOILS, DRIFT, IDENTIFICATION, PROTECTION, SUSPENSION, FRACTIONS, SYSTEMS, Brassica rapa, Dust, Particle Size, Pisum sativum, Pesticides, Poaceae, Porosity, Seeds, X-Ray Microtomography, 0502 Environmental Science and Management, 0703 Crop and Pasture Production, 3004 Crop and pasture production, 3109 Zoology, 4104 Environmental management
BACKGROUND: Particle size is one of the most important properties affecting the driftability and behaviour of dust particles abraded from pesticide dressed seeds during sowing. Three particle sizing techniques were used determine the particle size distribution of dust abraded fromseeds fromsix different species. RESULTS: Important differences in dust particle size distribution between species were observed with the finest dust for rapeseed and the coarsest dust for barley. Wet laser diffraction and sonic sieving particle size results correlated well while micro-CT is able to deliver three-dimensional information and additional physical particle properties (shape, porosity). CONCLUSION: All particle sizing techniques have their (dis)advantages and none of them is able to perfectly describe the real size distribution of non-spherical particles. The particle size information gathered can be used in dust drift prediction models, risk assessment tools and will help to better understand the dust drift phenomenon.