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Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters

Publication date: 1996-01-01
Pages: 86 - 89


Neef, H
Augustijns, Patrick ; Declercq, P ; Declerck, Paul ; Laekeman, Gert


Medicinal & Biomolecular Chemistry


To elucidate the mechanism of hypoglycemic action of purified fractions of Galega officinalis L, the transport and uptake of methylglucose, mannitol and phenylalanine was studied in Caco-2 monolayers, an in vitro cell culture system of the intestinal mucosa. Phloridzin (1mM), which is known to inhibit Na+-coupled glucose transport, was used as a reference test compound. A dose-dependent inhibition of transport and uptake of 14C-methylglucose was observed when the apical side of Caco-2 monolayers was incubated with transport medium containing purified Galega fractions or Phloridzin. The simultaneous inhibition of transport of 3H-mannitol and 3H-phenylalanine, could be explained as an indirect result of the inhibition of transport of glucose: inhibition of solvent drag which accompagnies active glucose transport, decreases the paracellular flux of hydrophylic compounds like mannitol, phenylalanine and glucose itself.