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Psychological Medicine

Publication date: 2016-10-01
Volume: 46 Pages: 2955 - 2970
Publisher: Cambridge University Press


Auerbach, Randy P
Alonso, Jordi ; Axinn, William G ; Cuijpers, Pim ; Ebert, David D ; Green, Jennifer G ; Hwang, Irving ; Kessler, Ronald C ; Liu, Hui ; Mortier, Philippe ; Nock, Matthew K ; Pinder-Amaker, Stephanie ; Sampson, Nancy A ; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio ; Al-Hamzawi, Ali ; Andrade, Laura ; Benjet, Corina ; Caldas-de-Almeida, JM ; Demyttenaere, Koen ; Florescu, Silvia ; de Girolamo, Giovanni ; Gureje, Oye ; Haro, Josep Maria ; Karam, Elie G ; Kiejna, A ; Kovess-Masfety, Viviane ; Lee, Sing ; McGrath, John J ; O'Neill, Siobhan ; Pennell, Beth-Ellen ; Scott, Kate ; Ten Have, Margreet ; Torres, Y ; Zaslavsky, Alan M ; Zarkov, Z ; Bruffaerts, Ronny


Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Psychology, Clinical, Psychiatry, Psychology, College attrition, college dropout, education, epidemiology, mental illness, MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIES, PSYCHIATRIC-DISORDERS, EDUCATIONAL-ATTAINMENT, SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS, UNIVERSITY-STUDENTS, RISK-FACTORS, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, INTERVENTIONS, CONSEQUENCES, Adolescent, Adult, Female, Global Health, Health Surveys, Humans, Male, Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Students, Universities, World Health Organization, Young Adult, 1109 Neurosciences, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 1701 Psychology, 3202 Clinical sciences, 5202 Biological psychology, 5203 Clinical and health psychology


Although mental disorders are significant predictors of educational attainment throughout the entire educational career, most research on mental disorders among students has focused on the primary and secondary school years.