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Guest lecture 'Between Thought and Expression lies a Lifetime' at LUCA School of Arts/Beeldende Kunsten

Publication date: 2016-12-20
Publisher: LUCA School of Arts/Beeldende Kunsten; Ghent


Van Den Berghe, Jo
Demeulemeester, Ann ; De Bruyckere, Berlinde ; Jacques, Benoit ; Van Dyck, Hannelore ; Goethals, Valentijn ; Tacq, Filiep ; Aguirre y Otegui, Philip ; Devriendt, Lucas ; Vanhee, Isolde ; Dewanckel, Goele


Moratorium Spce, Solid, Anatomy


Guest lecture that elaborates on the actual research of Jo Van Den Berghe, more specifically Moratorium Space. The lecture shines a light on the nature of this new concept of space, and how it relates to the main research topics in the reserch of Jo Van Den Berghe: Thickness, Substance, Darkness and Depth, and Depth as the first dimension in architecture. The lecture furthermore elaborates on the concept of section and how it can be instrumentalised in the anatomisation of Moratorium Space. Finally the lectures focuses on how this anatomisation takes places in Studio Anatomy as a newly developed design-research-lab at Sint-Lucas School of Architecture.