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OOFHEC, Date: 2016/10/19 - 2016/10/21, Location: Rome

Publication date: 2016-10-01
Pages: 268 - 284
ISSN: 978-90-79730-25-4
Publisher: EADTU; Maastricht

Enhancing European Higher Education “Opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching” OOFHEC2016 Proceedings


Santos-Hermose, Gema
Bacsich, Paul ; Rodosthenous, Christos ; Lappa, Evangelia ; Bitter-Rijpkema, Marlies ; Truyen, Frederik ; Ubachs, George ; Konings, Lizzie


Library, digital resources


Arising from work on a Vision and Strategy Appraisal of the UKOU Library Services, and with facilitation from EADTU, a comparative study was done of four distance teaching university library services functions in terms of support to students and teaching staff: FernUniversität; Open Universiteit Nederland (library services supplied by Maastricht University); Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; and Athabasca University. All participants agreed to share conclusions with each other, with the UK Open University, and with other members of EADTU.