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Physical Review C

Publication date: 2016-01-01
Volume: 94
Publisher: American Physical Society


Renzi, Francesca
Raabe, Riccardo ; Randisi, G ; Smirnov, D ; Angulo, C ; Cabrera, J ; Casarejos, E ; Keutgen, Th ; Ninane, A ; Charvet, JL ; Gillibert, A ; Lapoux, V ; Nalpas, L ; Obertelli, A ; Skaza, F ; Sida, JL ; Orr, NA ; Sidorchuk, SI ; Wolski, R ; Borge, MJG ; Escrig, D


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, R-MATRIX THEORY, ALPHA,BE-8 REACTION, ENERGY-LEVELS, GROUND-STATE, ISOTOPES, KNOCKOUT, BREAKUP, HELIUM, 7HE, 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Nuclear & Particles Physics, 5106 Nuclear and plasma physics


The unbound nucleus He7 has been investigated via the reaction of a 16.8 MeV He6 radioactive ion beam on a Be9 target. The measurement of the outgoing Be8 through its well characterized two-α decay permitted the energy of the He6+n system to be reconstructed. Through comparison with a complete Monte Carlo simulation incorporating R-matrix lineshapes, the He7 ground state was determined to lie 0.380(28) MeV above the neutron decay with a width of Γ=0.179(21) MeV. A neutron spectroscopic factor SF=0.608(18) was extracted in agreement with the most recent calculations. Significant evidence was found for a broad resonance lying at 2.6(2) MeV above threshold with a ΓFWHM=2.3(3) MeV. These parameters are fully consistent with the properties of 1/2− state reported by Wuosmaa et al. [Phys. Rev. C 72, 061301(R) (2005)]. Limits were also put on the presence of narrow resonances seen in earlier experiments.