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CANS 2016, Date: 2016/11/14 - 2016/11/16, Location: Milan, ITALY

Publication date: 2016-01-01
Volume: 10052 Pages: 615 - 625
ISSN: 978-3-319-48964-3
Publisher: Springer-Verlag

Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Abidin, Aysajan
Aly, Abdelrahaman ; Cleemput, Sara ; Mustafa, Mustafa ; Foresti, S ; Persiano, G


Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Secure multiparty computation, Local electricity trading market, Smart grid, Renewable energy source, Security and Privacy, MULTIPARTY COMPUTATION, SECURITY, SHARE


© Springer International Publishing AG 2016. This paper proposes a decentralised and privacy-preserving local electricity trading market. The market employs a bidding protocol based on secure multiparty computation and allows users to trade their excess electricity among themselves. The bid selection and trading price calculation are performed in a decentralised and privacy-preserving manner. We implemented the market in C++ and tested its performance with realistic data sets. Our simulation results show that the market tasks can be performed for 2500 bids in less than four minutes in the “online” phase, showing its feasibility for a typical electricity trading period.