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Anuario Americanista Europeo

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Pages: 31 - 50
Publisher: Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina CEISAL


Nunez Borja Luna, Carmen
Stallaert, Christiane ; CEISAL, ; REDIAL,


Andean migration, Brussels, Gender, Coloniality of Power


This article analyses migration of Andean women in the European context based on two analytic axis:the coloniality of power and gender intersectionality. We aim to explain,from the anthropological field, why these migrant women follow different migratory trajectories; have specific labour niches and socialization spaces; and why they do not constitute a homogenous migrant group. We suggest that the racialization and social position of Andean migrant women relates to the imaginaries and hierarchies produced through European patriarchal colonial expansion still in force through the colonial/modern gender system.