Tijdschrift voor Theologie

Publication date: 2016-09-01
Volume: 56 Pages: 218 - 243


De Tavernier, Johan


Ecologie, Laudato si', Kerkelijk sociaal denken, 2204 Religion and Religious Studies


In Laudato si’, Pope Francis analyses the climate crisis, caused by humankind (‘the cry of the earth’) from the effect it has on the living conditions of millions of poor people. The encyclical recognizes that all fellow creatures have an intrinsic value because they have been created. This finally offers an adequate ethical translation of the belief in creation. He also points out the urgency of the transition that is needed and calls us all to an ‘ecological conversion’, because neither technical solutions nor the current economic models will suffice. Finally, he describes the environmental crisis as a serious matter of conscience for both Christians and others of good will (ls 62) and he shows himself prepared to engage in a ‘coalition of the willing’ that will search for sustainable answers. The new accents in the church’s social thought are: the inclusion of future generations in the discussion on general wellbeing; the affirmation that all creatures have inherent value; the extension of the concept of a ‘universal public good’ to all other species, ecosystems and even to planet Earth; the harmony between what is good for humankind and what is good for creation, an idea that can be found in modern ecological thought as: ‘it is all interconnected’. Some of the issues discussed are views on demographics and environmental pressures, sustainable development and the question whether ‘integral ecology’ actually aims for the same thing, the absence of both Paul’s theology and of a thorough reflection on the way we use animals.