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The integration and inclusion on the labour market in the European Union

Publication date: 2016-01-01


Lamberts, Miet
Van Peteghem, Jan


inclusive labour markets, diversity, ALMP, migrants and refugees, ageing workforce, youth guarantee, chronic diseases, disability


An inclusive labour market is a labour market that allows and encourages all people of working age to participate in paid work and provides a framework for their development. At present, groups such as migrants, women (and in some cases men), young people, older workers, people with disabilities of various kinds… often experience lower employment opportunities or remain underemployed in many activity sectors. They face higher risks of (in-work )poverty. And in the aftermath of the economic downfall during 2008-2009 with its high unemployment rates, with the vulnerable groups as the first victims, public spending was reduced and access to social security benefits was tightened, touching again the most vulnerable in the first place. For this reason, EZA decided to commission a research project on the issue of inclusive labour markets to HIVA, focussing on the various categories of (potential) workers at risk and on how workers organisations can influence labour market perspectives for them. The study report will be used as a basis for training sessions that will be organised by EZA and will be held in a number of EU member states (MS).