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ABAV PhD and Young acousticians day, Date: 2016/01/25 - 2016/01/25, Location: Gent, Belgium

Publication date: 2016-01-25
Publisher: ABAV

Proceedings of the 3rd ABAV PhD and Young acousticians day


Reinoso Carvalho, Felipe


In this poster I present two methods, which are intended to address the influence of sound on taste perception. Results of the first method take into account the added value of a progressive interaction of the participants in their perceptual experiences. The second method is intended to elaborate on the claim that customized sonic cues can enhance the subjective value of tasting experiences. Both methods assess how sound may be able to modulate taste, becoming a valuable tool when assessing , for example, the decision-making process of human food/ beverage consumption. This presentation has the objective to open new discussions in the universe of acoustics, potentially inspiring the development of more research experiences that could follow this approaches towards novel insights.