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Teacher Education for Inclusion in Belgium (Flemish speaking community)

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Publisher: Inclusive Education in Action; Unesco


Van Acker, Alexandre
Van Buynder, Geert


inclusion, competences


Is it possible for primary and secondary teachers who come to the end of their initial training (3 years after secondary school) to function in an inclusive setting? One of the key problems in primary and secondary education in Flanders is the relatively large percentage of pupils who attend special education. Because of the presence of a well-built special education network in Flanders, it is relatively easy to send pupils to this type of education and the perception of teachers in regular primary and secondary education is that the diversity in class groups over whelms their capacities to function well. During the 3 years of initial training we prepare students to function in an inclusive setting. By feeling self sufficient, they develop a more open attitude towards inclusive education overall. Students have to believe that through their development of the ‘five competences of inclusion’ they will be able to cope with the diversity in their classes. They don’t have to be experts on different disabilities.