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Suturing the City. Living Together in Congo's Urban Worlds

Publication date: 2016-01-01
ISSN: 9781899282197
Publisher: Autograph ABP; London, UK


De Boeck, Filip
Baloji, Sammy


urban anthropology, visual anthropology


Focusing upon the ‘urban now’, a moment suspended between lingering precolonial references, the broken dreams of a colonial past, and the not yet realised promises of neoliberal futures, this book provides an ethnographic and photographic investigation of the complex meanings of living — and living together — in Congo’s urban worlds today. The authors, anthropologist Filip De Boeck and photographer Sammy Baloji, take the reader on a tour of specific urban sites in Kinshasa and beyond. In their detailed analysis these sites emerge as suturing points in which the possibilities of collective urban action and dreams of a shared future continue to be explored.