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Integrated Algorithms for Repeated Dynamic Traffic Assignments The Iterative Link Transmission Model with Equilibrium Assignment Procedure

Publication date: 2016-03-09


Himpe, Willem
Tampère, Chris ; Bellemans, Tom


The contributions of this research are situated on three main (individual) components and on the synergy that emerges when they are considered together. Dynamic network loading The contributions of this part are mainly the development of an iterative link transmission model scheme. Firstly, this semi-analytical simulation scheme allows a modeller to define a time resolution that is fit for the accuracy level required by the application. Secondly it is optimized to handle repeated evaluations efficiently, with a minimum of redundant calculations. Shortest path algorithm A second mostly separate development is the presentation of an efficient dynamic shortest path algorithm. This procedure is required to guide traffic along the shortest paths in dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) and to evaluate travel times in the network. The contributions of this part are more or less in line with the previous part on the dynamic network loading. Namely, the method does not have any bounds on the time resolution and it handles repeated evaluations efficiently. Dynamic user equilibrium Although the dynamic user equilibrium is composed of the two previous parts, the most important contribution here is the development of calculation schemes that are able to exploit the opportunities of the previously introduced procedures. As a result any supplementary method, which provides the same functionality and benefits, could in theory replace one of two (or both) methods of the previous parts. To our knowledge is this the first time that these procedure have been developed simultaneously to amplify the effect of combining them in one application. The fact that all three components have been developed bearing in mind this synergy, is perhaps the largest contribution of this work.