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Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Pages: 1576 - 1581
Publisher: R S C Publications


van der Veen, Monique A
Rosolen, Gilles ; Verbiest, Thierry ; Vanbel, Maarten K ; Maes, Bjorn ; Kolaric, Branko


Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Physics, Applied, Materials Science, Physics, 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry, 0306 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural), 0912 Materials Engineering, 3403 Macromolecular and materials chemistry, 3406 Physical chemistry, 4016 Materials engineering


© The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015. We describe a nonlinear optical study of gold triangles that exploits a higher order plasmonic resonance. A comprehensive nonlinear optical characterisation was performed both by second harmonic generation (SHG) and two photon fluorescence spectroscopy (2PF). We demonstrate and explain the enhancement of the coherent and incoherent nonlinear optical emission by a higher order multipolar mode of the plasmonic structure. The peculiarities of the mode shape and its influence on intensity and polarisation of the nonlinear signal are experimentally and numerically confirmed.