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Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Volume: 43 Pages: 392 - 415
Publisher: Uitgeverij Boom


Van Wesenbeeck, I
Walrave, M ; Ponnet, Koen


2004 Linguistics


© 2015, Uitgeverij Boom. All rights reserved. This study focusses on young-adolescents’ advertising literacy on social network games (SNGs). More particularly, a model is tested in which parental mediation styles and attention to internet advertising at school are related to conceptual and attitudinal advertising literacy in SNG and in which both advertising literacies in turn are related to behavioral intentions. Data were collected among 780 respondents (aged 10-14 years). After showing participants a video compilation of SNG Habbo, a questionnaire was given to the respondents addressing the abovementioned aspects. Results confirmed that autonomy-supportive restrictive mediation is positively associated with understanding selling intention, while autonomy-supportive active mediation is positively associated with understanding persuasive intention. In addition, attention to internet advertising at school is related to children’s understanding of persuasive intent. Critical attitude towards SNG advertising is negatively related to pester intention and intention to buy, while understanding persuasive intent is associated with a higher score on both intentions.