FIAPAC Conference: Task sharing in Abortion Care, Date: 2014/10/03 - 2014/10/04, Location: Slovenia, Ljubljana

Publication date: 2014-01-01


Van Damme, Joke
Buysse, Ann ; Tency, Inge ; T'Sjoen, Guy ; LUNA,


home abortion, information


Introduction The current Belgian abortion law prescribes women who opt for medically induced abortion to stay in the abortion centre when using the mifepristone and misoprostol. As a consequence, a lot of women decide for the rapid surgical method. In this study, we map the process of deciding for one of the abortion methods along the different stages of information provision. Methods. During a four month study period in four Flemish abortion centres, all Dutch speaking adult women with a gestational period of less than 8 weeks were asked to participate. During the first visit, they were questioned about the sources they had consulted before entering the abortion centre and were asked for their initial abortion method preference. Afterwards, they were shown a standardized videotape with accurate information on both methods and were asked for their preferences again. In a second video, women learn about the possibility to expel their pregnancies at home and are questioned about their final preferences. Results. Preliminary results show that the majority of women (>70%) prefer the medical method above the surgical method when entering the abortion enter. Most of them (>60%) sought information on the abortion centre-website. However one in three had also visited other websites. One in four got information from external professionals. After having heard the standardized information, the percentage of women preferring the medical option drops to 50%. When home abortion would be available, only one in five women would still prefer the medical option for expelling the pregnancy in the abortion center. Conclusion. Flemish women might have an inaccurate perception of the current medical abortion process. The provision of new and accurate information changes their preferences. The home abortion possibility would be a good alternative, for women who initially prefer the surgical method as well as for those preferring the medical option.