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International Liver Congress of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, Date: 2015/04/22 - 2015/04/26, Location: Vienna: AUSTRIA

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Volume: 62 Pages: S795 - S795
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers

Journal of Hepatology


Harms, MH
Lammers, WJ ; Invernizzi, P ; Battezzati, PM ; Floreani, A ; Pares, A ; Nevens, Frederik ; Thorburn, D ; Mason, AL ; Kowdley, KV ; Ponsioen, C ; Corpechot, C ; Janssen, HL ; Hirschfield, GM ; Mayo, M ; LaRusso, NF ; Lleo, A ; Cazzagon, N ; Franceschet, I ; Caballeria, L ; Poupon, R ; Cheung, A ; Trivedi, P ; Lindor, K ; van Buuren, HR ; Hansen, BE


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 3202 Clinical sciences