14th Annual Meeting of the European-Hematology-Association, Date: 2009/06/04 - 2009/06/07, Location: Berlin: GERMANY

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Volume: 94 Pages: 191 - 191
Publisher: Il Pensiero Scientifico



Sonneveld, P
van der Holt, B ; Schmidt-Wolf, IGH ; Bertsch, U ; El Jarari, L ; Salwender, H ; Zweegman, S ; Vallenga, E ; Schubert, J ; Blau, IW ; Jie, GSK ; Beverloo, B ; Jauch, A ; Hose, D ; Schaafsma, R ; Kersten, MJ ; Delforge, Michel ; Raymakers, RA ; De Weerdt, O ; Van der Griend, R ; Weijermans, PW ; Martin, Harry ; Van der Velde, H ; Lokhorst, HM ; Goldschmidt, H


1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Immunology