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IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

Publication date: 2007-03-30
Volume: 54 Pages: 368 - 77
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Shkerdin, Gennady
Glorieux, Christ


finite crack, Absorption, waves, Acoustics, Computer Simulation, scattering, conversion, Manufactured Materials, interface, Materials Testing, Models, Chemical, velocity, solids, Radiation Dosage, Radiometry, layer, Rubber, Steel, Vibration, Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Engineering, FINITE CRACK, WAVES, SCATTERING, CONVERSION, INTERFACE, VELOCITY, SOLIDS, LAYER, 02 Physical Sciences, 09 Engineering, 40 Engineering, 51 Physical sciences


A theoretical study of Lamb mode propagation through an absorptive bilayer consisting of a steel plate coated by highly absorptive rubber with a finite delamination dividing these layers is presented. Essentially, in such a bilayer structure, steel-like A0 and S0 modes still propagate, although with moderate absorption. Two different types of delaminations are taken into consideration: slip delaminations in which noncontact boundary conditions are assumed only for shear displacement and stress, and stress-free delaminations in which noncontact boundary conditions are assumed for all mechanical displacements and stresses. The calculations, which are based on a modal decomposition method, show that delaminations in absorptive bilayers result in a considerable change of the normal displacement amplitude at the bilayer surfaces inside the delamination region, and for an incident mode steel-like A0 mode, also in the transmission region. Stress-free and slip delaminations can be distinguished exploiting their different effect on the steel-like A0 and S0 incident modes.