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International Journal of Public Administration

Publication date: 2017-01-01
Volume: 40 Pages: 192 - 204
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Routledge)


Op de Beeck, Sophie
Wynen, Jan ; Hondeghem, Annie


Social Sciences, Public Administration, Fractional response model, HR devolution, HRM implementation, line managers, support, PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT, HUMAN-RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL SUPPORT, EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE, MEDIATING ROLE, PERCEPTIONS, CLIMATE, COMMITMENT, DEVOLUTION, ATTITUDES, 1503 Business and Management, 1605 Policy and Administration, 1606 Political Science, Political Science & Public Administration, 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour, 4407 Policy and administration, 4408 Political science


© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. We explore one of the key underlying mechanisms that mediate the HRM–performance link, namely HRM implementation by line managers. The purpose of our study is to examine the role of various sources of support in explaining effective HRM implementation by line managers. Results indicate that HR, supervisor, and coworker support are relevant in explaining line managers’ HR role performance. In addition, younger line managers and those with greater supervisory experience are found to perform better in their HR role. Hence, organizations should consider developing a broad support network to ensure effective implementation of HRM by line managers.