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European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Publication date: 2015-05-01
Volume: 77 Pages: 40 - 47
Publisher: Elsevier


Hens, Bart
Brouwers, Joachim ; Corsetti, Maura ; Augustijns, Patrick


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Dissolution, Permeation, Solubility-permeability interplay, Fenofibrate, Nanoparticles, Microparticles, Dialysis, Clinical study, HUMAN INTESTINAL FLUIDS, PHARMACOKINETIC EVALUATION, DRUG SOLUBILITY, ORAL DELIVERY, DISSOLUTION, ABSORPTION, BIOAVAILABILITY, PERMEABILITY, FORMULATION, CLASSIFICATION, Solubility–permeability interplay, Gastrointestinal Tract, Humans, Hypolipidemic Agents, In Vitro Techniques, Microspheres, Solubility, 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3214 Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences


The purpose of this study was (i) to evaluate the gastrointestinal behavior of micro- and nanosized fenofibrate in humans and (ii) to develop a simple yet qualitatively predictive in vitro setup that simulates the observed absorption-determining factors.