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Indian Theological Studies

Publication date: 2015-03-01
Volume: 52 Pages: 77 - 90
Publisher: St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore


Joseph, Augustine


Personal Integrity


Corporate unethical behaviour is the result of the conflicts of interest between various corporate relations: namely, the relationship between employees and the corporation as such, the relationship among the employees, and the relationship between the corporation and its stakeholders. Corporate integrity theories are the proposed solution. There are two types of corporate integrity theories such as social contract based and civic citizenship based. Both corporate integrity theories try to create moral corporate structure and culture for overcoming corporate ethical challenges. In this paper I will argue that corporate moral structure and culture alone is insufficient for inspiring good corporate conduct. Even when a company has a morally based corporate culture and structure, the successes of these depend upon the managers and employees. Despite of the fact that corporations are moral agents; individuals remain as the real constitutive elements because only individuals can act and corporations cannot. Therefore, the moral imagination and creativity of the managers and employees of the company are inseparably related with the ethical structure and culture of corporate integrity theories.