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American Journal of Human Biology

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Volume: 27 Pages: 681 -
Publisher: Alan R. Liss


Antunes, António M
Maia, José A ; Stasinopoulos, Mikis D ; Gouveia, Élvio R ; Thomis, Martine ; Lefevre, Johan ; Teixeira, Alexandra Q ; Freitas, Duarte L


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Anthropology, Biology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics, HABITUAL PHYSICAL-ACTIVITY, NEUROMOTOR DEVELOPMENT, SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS, FITNESS, PARTICIPATION, PERFORMANCE, OVERWEIGHT, CHILDHOOD, GROWTH, SKILLS, Adolescent, Age Factors, Body Mass Index, Child, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Motor Skills, Obesity, Overweight, Portugal, Psychomotor Performance, Social Class, 0603 Evolutionary Biology, 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics, 1601 Anthropology, Evolutionary Biology, 3210 Nutrition and dietetics, 4401 Anthropology


To construct age- and gender-specific percentiles for gross motor coordination (MC) tests and to explore differences in gross MC in normal-weight, overweight and obese children.