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International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), Date: 2013/06/02 - 2013/06/07, Location: Firenze: ITALY

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 66
Publisher: E D P Sciences; CEDEX A

EPJ Web of Conferences


Fabian, X
Ban, G ; Boussaid, R ; Breitenfeldt, Martin ; Couratin, C ; Delahaye, P ; Durand, D ; Finlay, Paul ; Flechard, X ; Guillon, B ; Lemiere, Y ; Leredde, A ; Lienard, E ; Mery, A ; Naviliat-Cuncic, O ; Pierre, E ; Porobic, Tomica ; Quemener, G ; Rodriguez, D ; Severijns, Nathal ; Thomas, JC ; Van Gorp, S ; Lunardi, S ; Bizzeti, PG ; Kabana, S ; Bucci, C ; Chiari, M ; Dainese, A ; DiNezza, P ; Menegazzo, R ; Nannini, A ; Signorini, C ; ValienteDobon, JJ


nuclear physics, weak interaction, beta decay, beta-neutrino correlation, paul ion trap, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, Particles & Fields, Physics, 5107 Particle and high energy physics, 5110 Synchrotrons and accelerators


Precise measurements in the β decay of the 35Ar nucleus enable to search for deviations from the Standard Model (SM) in the weak sector. These measurements enable either to check the CKM matrix unitarity or to constrain the existence of exotic currents rejected in the V-A theory of the SM. For this purpose, the β-ν angular correlation parameter, a βν, is inferred from a comparison between experimental and simulated recoil ion time-of-flight distributions following the quasi-pure Fermi transition of 35Ar1+ ions confined in the transparent Paul trap of the LPCTrap device at GANIL. During the last experiment, 1.5×106 good events have been collected, which corresponds to an expected precision of less than 0.5% on the aβν value. The required simulation is divided between the use of massive GPU parallelization and the GEANT4 toolkit for the source-cloud kinematics and the tracking of the decay products. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.