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On the Normativity of Professionalism

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Pages: 221 - 234
ISSN: 978-3-319-16171-6
Publisher: Springer; Dordrecht


Meganck, Martin
Christensen, Steen Hyldgaard ; Didier, Christelle ; Jamison, Andrew ; Meganck, Martin ; Mitcham, Carl ; Newberry, Byron


Engineering Ethics, professionalism


Why should engineers behave ethically? Often, this question is answered by qualifying engineering as a “profession”, and professional organizations have codes of ethics that members should comply with. In many countries however, engineering is organized differently. The present chapter explores conceptions of “professionalism”, inspired by evolutions in different occupational areas. A second part questions the idea that professionalism encompasses ethical responsibilities “beyond ordinary morality”. The thesis will be defended that, although there may be specific rules for “professionals”, the philosophical foundation of professional ethics yet rests on ordinary morality.