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ECNDT, European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Date: 2014/10/06 - 2014/10/10, Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Publication date: 2014-10-07
ISSN: 9781634395045
Publisher: European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing

Proc. ECNDT 2014, 11th European Conference on Non-destructive Testing


Bensadoun, Farida
Barburski, Marcin ; Straumit, Ilya ; Le Quan Tran, Ngoc ; Fuentes Rojas, Carlos ; Zenina, Julie ; Shishkina, Oksana ; Pyka, Gregory ; Verpoest, Ignace ; Van Vuure, Aart Willem ; Wevers, Martine ; Lomov, Stepan Vladimirovitch


hemp, silk, coir, flax, x-ray tomography, textile microstructure, defect detection, density variation, Composite, Pine cone, Date palm


X-ray computed tomography is a non-destructive testing technique that is widely used in the composites industry for the characterization of the various structures within a material. In this work, the challenges of scanning natural elements such as flax fibres or pine cone will be listed. For this type of materials, it is essential to know the absorption vs intensities in order to use the proper power to get thought the sample without washing out all the details. Tackling these challenges will help the identification of features such as the orientation of the fibres is important for estimation of the mechanical properties of composites and can be achieved with image processing techniques.