Oral presentation at EACH - 12th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Location: Amsterdam

Publication date: 2014-09-29


Schrijvers, Jessie
Vanderhaegen, Joke ; Van Poppel, Hendrik ; Haustermans, Karin ; Van Audenhove, Chantal


For localized prostate cancer several treatment options are available. Patient decision aids can help patients in making a deliberative, personalized health choice in close collaboration with their physician. The aim of this research was to identify key components of a webbased decision aid for treatment choice of localized prostate cancer in an elderly patient group. Methods: One hundred men between 65 and 75 that have been diagnosed with localized prostate cancer at the University Hospital of Leuven, campus Gasthuisberg, were invited to use a web‐based DA in their decision making process. By means of web‐log files, general usage data and usage of with technology features included (such as patient statements, comparative tables, values clarification tool,…) could be analyzed. Results: Men spent on average 30 minutes on the web‐based decision aid. Most time was spent on the pages with information on treatment options. These pages were also most frequently accessed. The use of the feature ‘comparative tables’ was the highest, followed by the ‘values clarification tool’. According to age (<70 or >70 years) differences were observed for the time spent on the decision aid, the pages accessed and the use of the technology features. Discussion: These study results indicate that information on treatment options, comparative tables and a values clarification tool are key components of a web‐based decision aid for treatment choice of localized prostate cancer in a 65plus patient group.