CALICO 2014 - Open, Online, Massive: The Future of Language Learning?, Date: 2014/05/06 - 2014/05/10, Location: Ohio

Publication date: 2014-01-01


Desmet, Piet


itec, iMinds


Our aim is to offer a tentative typology of the possible roles NLP may play in CALL, focusing hereby exclusively on written language input and output. We see at least seven possible roles for ICALL applications: (1) input provider, (2) reading companion, (3) exercise and test generator, (4) error detector, feedback generator and automatic scoring tool, (5) writing aid, (6) adaptive item sequencer and (7) resource generator. For each of these roles we will offer not only a conceptual outline, but also illustrative applications. This will allow us to give a nuanced picture of the challenges and opportunities of ICALL.