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Journal of Family Studies

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 20 Pages: 66 - 78
Publisher: e-Content Management


Ponnet, Koen
Van Leeuwen, Karla ; Wouters, Edwin


family stress processes;, parenting, adolescents, Social Sciences, Family Studies, family stress processes, financial stress, parenting stress, ECONOMIC-STRESS, DEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES, SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS, PHYSICAL DISCIPLINE, PARENTING BEHAVIOR, CHILD ADJUSTMENT, FAMILY PROCESSES, HARDSHIP, INCOME, TRAJECTORIES, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 1607 Social Work, 1608 Sociology, 4409 Social work, 4410 Sociology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


In this study, we examined the association between income, financial stress, parenting stress, positive parenting, negative control and problem behaviour in adolescents to improve our understanding of how income and financial stress are associated with adolescents' behaviour. Using the actor-partner interdependence approach, we explored the pathways within (actor) and between (partner) parents and examined whether the strength of these pathways differed between mothers and fathers. Data were drawn from 340 two-parent families with adolescents aged between 11 and 17 years old. Path analytic results indicated that the association between financial stress and adolescents' behaviour is mediated by parenting stress and parenting. Contrary to our expectations, direct effects were found between income and negative control. Our results also suggest that financial stress affects the positive parenting of fathers more significantly than that of mothers. Besides several actor effects, partner effects were also identified between parenting stress and negative control.