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EUSIPCO 2013, Date: 2013/09/09 - 2013/09/11, Location: Marrakesh, Morocco

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Volume: 22 Pages: 1648 - 1659
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing


Defraene, Bruno
van Waterschoot, Toon ; Diehl, Moritz ; Moonen, Marc


SISTA, Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Engineering, Loudspeaker compensation, audio quality, Hammerstein model, embedded optimization, 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology, 4006 Communications engineering, 4602 Artificial intelligence, 4603 Computer vision and multimedia computation


This paper presents an embedded-optimization-based loudspeaker precompensation algorithm using a Hammerstein loudspeaker model, i.e. a cascade of a memoryless nonlinearity and a linear finite impulse response filter. The loudspeaker precompensation consists in a per-frame signal optimization. In order to minimize the perceptible distortion incurred in the loudspeaker, a psychoacoustically motivated optimization criterion is proposed. The resulting per-frame signal optimization problems are solved efficiently using first-order optimization methods. Depending on the invertibility and the smoothness of the memoryless nonlinearity, different first-order optimization methods are proposed and their convergence properties are analyzed. Objective evaluation experiments using synthetic loudspeaker models and real loudspeakers show that the proposed loudspeaker precompensation algorithm provides a significant audio quality improvement, especially so at high playback levels.