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Clearing House: a Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 87 Pages: 180 - 185
Publisher: Heldref Publications


Van Ouytsel, Joris
Walrave, Michel ; Ponnet, Koen


Kenniscentrum Hoger Instituut voor Gezinswetenschappen, 1301 Education Systems


Social media are at the heart of the daily communications of adolescents. In many cases, however, adolescents are unaware of the consequences of the long-term availability of their online personal information. Given the rising prevalence of online background checks on potential partners, college applicants, and job candidates, online search results could have an increasing impact on the future personal and professional relationships of young people. This article discusses the need to pay attention to online reputation management as a part of college and career preparation for high school students. Recommendations are given that can help teachers and counselors raise awareness among their students regarding the advantages and disadvantages of their online identities while helping them manage their online footprints.