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Mens en Maatschappij

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 89 Pages: 33 - 57
Publisher: N.V. Drukkerij "'T Koggeschip"


Ponnet, Koen
Wouters, Edwin ; Mortelmans, Dimitri


Kenniscentrum Hoger Instituut voor Gezinswetenschappen


In this study, we examine how financial stress is associated with problem behaviour in adolescents through the lives of their parents. Using an actor-partner interdependence model, we explore pathways within (actor) and between (partner) parents. Our data included 340 Flemish two-parent families (n = 1020), with both parents rating their financial stress, depressive symptoms and interparental conflict, and with parents and adolescents rating parenting and problem behaviour in adolescents. The results indicate that the association between financial stress and problem behaviour in adolescents is mediated by depressive symptoms, interparental conflict and positive parenting. Another finding is that financial stress has direct and indirect effects on interparental conflict. Furthermore, the impact of financial stress on parenting is greater for fathers than it is for mothers. Although actor effects are more prominent, there is also evidence of partner effects. Our results underscore the importance of including multiple family members in studies on family stress processes.