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A New Method for Analyzing Plasmonic Circuits using Integral Equation Techniques (Een nieuwe methode voor de analyse van plasmonische circuits met de integraalvergelijkingsmethode)

Publication date: 2014-06-24


Gholipouresbouee, Alireza
Vandenbosch, Guy ; Faraji-Dana, Reza


Plasmonics has obtained significant attention in the last few years. Applications are envisaged in communications and information technologies, chemical and biological sensors, enhanced solar cells and so on. Reducing the production cost requires reliable and accurate solvers which are able to numerically analyze the structure before fabrication. Virtually all traditional numerical methods have already been used in analyzing plasmonic components. However they may not appear efficient due to the challenges of metal-optic analysis.The current text wants to introduce a new numerical method capable of analyzing plasmonic integrated circuits efficiently. The main idea is to separate the calculations of the original problem into two sets; interior and exterior. The interior problem is analyzed independent of the outer region and introduces a relation between tangential electric fields on the boundary and the equivalent surface electric current. This relation is called surface impedance boundary condition. In another step, this boundary condition is enforced on the exterior problem and the fields in the outer region are computed. In general, this procedure reduces the number of unknowns drastically and consequently reduces the simulation time and required resources. The proposed definition of local surface impedance can analyze long-range surface plasmon polariton based optical circuits very effectively but fails in problems where a low contrast exists between the scatterer and surrounding medium. The operator surface impedance is an exact method that theoretically can solve scattering problems with different shapes and material types. In practice, however, its usage will be limited to cases for which we can efficiently calculate the appropriate Dyadic Green’s function. This method is quite useful for the study of photonic integrated circuits, both traditional ones, which are diffraction limited, and plasmonic circuits. A technique for finding the proper Green’s dyadic is introduced which is able to obtain it systematically. Since the completeness of the solutions is important, derivatives should be computed regarding the distribution theory. This method is applied to both rectangular strips and circular wires.