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Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Vacuum, Surfaces and Films

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 32 Pages: 01 -
Publisher: Published by AVS through the American Institute of Physics


Deng, Shaoren
Verbruggen, Sammy ; Lenaerts, Silvia ; Martens, Johan ; Van den Berghe, Sven ; Devloo-Casier, Kilian ; Devulder, Wouter ; Dendooven, Jolien ; Deduytsche, Davy ; Detavernier, Christophe


Science & Technology, Technology, Physical Sciences, Materials Science, Coatings & Films, Physics, Applied, Materials Science, Physics, ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION, THIN-FILMS, PHOTOCATALYTIC APPLICATIONS, ZINC-OXIDE, DIOXIDE, GROWTH, METH/14/04#53291607, 02 Physical Sciences, 09 Engineering, Applied Physics, 40 Engineering, 51 Physical sciences


In order to narrow the band gap of TiO2, nitrogen doping by combining thermal atomic layer deposition (TALD) of TiO2 and plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) of TiN has been implemented. By altering the ratio between TALD TiO2 and PEALD TiN, the as synthesized TiOxNy films showed different band gaps (from 1.91 eV to 3.14 eV). In situ x-ray diffraction characterization showed that the crystallization behavior of these films changed after nitrogen doping. After annealing in helium, nitrogen doped TiO2 films crystallized into rutile phase while for the samples annealed in air a preferential growth of the anatase TiO2 along (001) orientation was observed. Photocatalytic tests of the degradation of stearic acid were done to evaluate the effect of N doping on the photocatalytic activity. © 2014 American Vacuum Society.