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Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Date: 2014/04/04 - 2014/04/04, Location: Leiden, The Netherlands

Publication date: 2014-01-01


Verschaffel, Lieven


strategy use, mathematics education


The goal of this introductory paper is to reflect upon some major theoretical and methodological issues related to children’s strategy use in (elementary) arithmetic. In the first part, I will discuss some major issues with respect to the strategy parameters variability, efficiency and flexibility. In the second part, I will critically look at various ways to identify children’s strategy use. Third, I will look at the relationship between children’s conceptual knowledge and number sense, on the one hand, and their strategic performance, on the other hand. I will end with a brief more fundamental reflection upon the notion of arithmetic strategies and the central place we gave it in our theorizing about children’s arithmetical thinking and learning.