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Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference: Ontology, Terminology & Text Mining (TKE), Date: 2014/06/19 - 2014/06/21, Location: Berlin, Germany

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Pages: 167 - 176
Publisher: Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe; Villeurbanne

Proceedings of the 11th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference: Ontology, Terminology & Text Mining (TKE) (online)


Heylen, Kris
Bond, Stephen ; De Hertog, Dirk ; Kockaert, Hendrik ; Steurs, Frieda ; Vulic, Ivan


Increasingly, large bilingual document collections are being made available online, especially in the legal domain. This type of Big Data is a valuable resource that specialized translators exploit to search for informative examples of how domain-specific expressions should be translated. However, general purpose search engines are not optimized to retrieve previous translations that are maximally relevant to a translator. In this paper, we report on the TermWise project, a cooperation of terminologists, corpus linguists and computer scientists, that aims to leverage big online translation data for terminological support to legal translators at the Belgian Federal Ministry of Justice. The project developed dedicated knowledge extraction algorithms and a server-based tool to provide translators with the most relevant previous translations of domain-specific expressions relative to the current translation assignment. In the paper, we give an overview of the system, give a demo of the user interface and then discuss, more in general, the possibilities of mining big data to support specialized translation.