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Scientific Detector Workshop, Date: 2013/10/07 - 2013/10/11

Publication date: 2013-11-01

Scientific Detector Workshop 2013


Perez Padilla, Jesus
Tulloch, Simon ; Raskin, Gert ; Prins, Saskia ; Merges, Florian ; Pessemier, Wim ; Bloemen, Steven


MAIA, the Mercator Advanced Imager for Asteroseismology, is a new fast-cadence 3-channel photometric instrument. It is installed on the 1.2-m Mercator telescope at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma, Spain. MAIA comprises 3 cameras that simultaneously observe the same 9.4 x 14.1 arcmin field in 3 different colour bands (u, g and r). Each camera is based on a very large frame-transfer detector (CCD42-C0) of 2kx6k pixels, specially designed for rapid time-series photometry. These CCDs were originally developed by e2v for ESA's cancelled Eddington space mission and are now on permanent loan to the Institute of Astronomy of the KU Leuven, Belgium. The acquisition system of MAIA uses a single ARC GEN-III controller, custom programmed to allow differing exposure times for each of the three CCDs. Predefined sequences synchronize each read-out with the shortest integration time. Detectors that are not read-out at the end of an exposure continue integrating and can be read-out in one of the subsequent cycles. This read method takes full advantage of the frame-transfer functionality of the CCD42-C0 detectors and allows optimisation of the exposure times for each wavelength band. This then gives a similar exposure depth in each of the 3 arms despite the fact that the UV channel typically sees much less flux. We present the CCD42-C0 detectors, their characterisation, including a thorough analysis of their non-linearity, and the MAIA data-acquisition system.