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Scientific Detector Workshop, Date: 2013/10/07 - 2013/10/11, Location: Florence

Publication date: 2013-11-01

Scientific Detector Workshop 2013


Raskin, Gert
Morren, Johan ; Pessemier, Wim ; Perez Padilla, Jesus ; Vandersteen, Jeroen


MAIA, a three-channel imager targeting fast cadence photometry, was recently installed on the Mercator telescope (La Palma, Spain). This instrument observes a 9.4 x 14.1 arcmin field of view simultaneously in three color bands (u, g and r), using three of the largest (un-) available frame-transfer CCDs, namely the 2k x 6k CCD42-C0 from e2v. As these detectors are housed in three separate cryostats, compact cooling devices are required that offer sufficient power to cool the large chips to a temperature of 165K. We explored a broad spectrum of cooling options and technologies to cool the MAIA detectors. Finally, compact free-piston Stirling coolers were selected, namely the CryoTel MT cryo-coolers from SUNPOWER, that can extract 5W of heat at a temperature of 77K. In this contribution we give details of the MAIA detector cooling solution. We also discuss the general usability of this type of closed-cycle cryo-coolers for astronomical detectors. They offer distinct advantages but the vibrations caused by mechanical cryo-cooling impose a serious drawback. We present a solution to mechanically decouple the coolers from the instrument and show some results of how this reduces the vibrations to a level that is acceptable for most applications on astronomical telescopes.