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Water Science and Technology

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 69 Pages: 1198 - 1204
Publisher: Pergamon Press


Haji Seyed Mohammad Shirazi, Reza
Campisano, A ; Modica, C ; Willems, Patrick


Sewer systems, Flushing, Science & Technology, Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Environmental, Environmental Sciences, Water Resources, Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, flushing, mobile bed, sediment erosion, sediment transport formulae, BED-LOAD TRANSPORT, OPEN-CHANNEL FLOW, PREDICTION, VALIDATION, SIMULATION, DEPOSITS, DESIGN, GATE, Drainage, Sanitary, Geologic Sediments, Models, Theoretical, Environmental Engineering


A numerical investigation to simulate the cleaning effects of successive flushes over sediment beds in prismatic channels is presented in this paper. The 1D De Saint Venant-Exner equations were used to describe the temporal evolution of the sediment bed after each flush. The predictive capacity of two sediment transport formulae was explored against experimental results from laboratory tests. Results show that the adopted model can successfully describe the evolution of the sediment bed due to the flushes exerted during the experiments, with differences between the used transport formulae depending on the channel invert slope and on the flush energy.