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Current Opinion in Anesthesiology

Publication date: 2014-02-01
Volume: 27 Pages: 28 - 35
Publisher: Gower Academic Journals


Hofer, Christoph K
Rex, Steffen ; Ganter, Michael T


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Anesthesiology, bioimpedance, bioreactance, cardiac output, minimal invasive monitoring, oesophageal Doppler, partial CO2 rebreathing, pulse contour analysis, pulse wave analysis, CONTINUOUS CARDIAC-OUTPUT, EXTRAVASCULAR LUNG WATER, PULMONARY-ARTERY CATHETERS, STROKE VOLUME VARIATION, PULSE-CONTOUR ANALYSIS, TRANSPULMONARY THERMODILUTION, FLUID RESPONSIVENESS, CONTROLLED TRIAL, VALIDATION, PRESSURE, Anesthesia, Cardiac Output, Hemodynamics, Humans, Lactic Acid, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures, Monitoring, Intraoperative, Oxygen, Thoracic Surgical Procedures, 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, 3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, 3202 Clinical sciences


Advanced hemodynamic monitoring is indispensable for adequate management of patients undergoing major surgery. This article will summarize minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring technologies and their potential use in thoracic anesthesia.