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Egitto dai faraoni agli Arabi, Date: 2013/01/07 - 2013/01/09, Location: Milan

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Pages: 69 - 79
ISSN: 978-88-6227-640-5
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra editore; Milan

Egitto dai faraoni agli arabi. Atti del convegno Egitto, amministrazione economia, società, cultura dai faraoni agli Arabi, a cura di Silvia Bussi


Clarysse, Willy


papyrology, Demotic studies


In the third century BC the Ptolemaic administration was still partly in demotic. This is illustrated here from papyri taken from mummy cartonnage and now preserved in the collection of the Sorbonne. The greatest part of the collection consists of accounts in demotic, which thus far remain largely unpublished.