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European AAATE Conference, Date: 2013/09/19 - 2013/09/22, Location: Vilamoura, Portugal

Publication date: 2013-01-01
Volume: 33 Pages: 59 - 64
ISSN: 9781614993049
Publisher: IOS Press; Leiden

Assistive technology: From research to practice: AAATE 2013


Baldewijns, Greet
Debard, Glen ; Mertens, Marc ; Devriendt, Els ; Milisen, Koen ; Tournoy, Jos ; Croonenborghs, Tom ; Vanrumste, Bart ; Encarnacao, Pedro ; Azevedo, Luis ; Gelderblom, Gert Jan




The development of an in-home fall risk assessment tool is under investigation. Several fall risk screening tests such as the Timed-Get-Up-and-Go-test (TGUG) only provide a snapshot taken at a given time and place, where automated in-home fall risk assessment tools can assess the fall risk of a person on a continuous basis. During this study we monitored four older people in their own home for a period of three months and automatically assessed fall risk parameters. We selected a subset of fixed walking sequences from the resulting real-life video for analysis of the time needed to perform these sequences. The results show a significant diurnal and health-related variance in the time needed to cross the same distance. These results also suggest that trends in the transfer time can be detected with the presented system. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.