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European AAATE Conference, Date: 2013/09/19 - 2013/09/22, Location: Vilamoura, Portugal

Publication date: 2013-08-01
Volume: 33 Pages: 90 - 94
ISSN: 978-1-61499-303-2
Publisher: IOS press; Amsterdam

Assistive technology: From research to practice (AAATE2013)


Van Den Broeck, Bert
Vuegen, Lode ; Van hamme, Hugo ; Moonen, Marc ; Karsmakers, Peter ; Vanrumste, Bart ; Encarnação, Pedro ; Azevedo, Luis ; Gelderblom, Gert Jan ; Newell, Allen ; Mathiassen, Niels-Erik




This paper describes a system able to detect footstep locations. Through acoustic information retrieved from a wireless sensor network with small and relatively cheap microphone arrays. A dataset was recorded in order to validate the accuracy of the detection. Results on this dataset show that a best median of errors of 31cm per time moment are achievable, but results heavily depend on the positions of the microphones relative to the footsteps.