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Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics

Publication date: 2009-01-01
Volume: 80
Publisher: Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics


Holmqvist, P
Ratajczyk, M ; Meier, G ; Wensink, HH ; Lettinga, Pavlik


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Fluids & Plasmas, Physics, Mathematical, Physics, NEMATIC PHASE-TRANSITION, SPINODAL DECOMPOSITION, BEHAVIOR, SEPARATION, KINETICS, SUSPENSIONS, MICROSCOPY, MIXTURES, MODEL, Bacteriophage M13, Birefringence, Dextrans, Microscopy, Polarization, Phase Transition, Pressure, Viruses, cond-mat.soft, 01 Mathematical Sciences, 02 Physical Sciences, 09 Engineering, Fluids & Plasmas, 40 Engineering, 49 Mathematical sciences, 51 Physical sciences


The kinetics of isotropic-nematic (I-N) and nematic-isotropic (N-I) phase transitions in dispersions of rodlike fd viruses are studied. Concentration quenches were applied using pressure jumps in combination with polarization microscopy, birefringence, and turbidity measurements. The full biphasic region could be accessed, resulting in the construction of an experimental analog of the bifurcation diagram. The N-I spinodal points for dispersions of rods with varying concentrations of depletion agent (dextran) were obtained from orientation quenches using cessation of shear flow in combination with small-angle light scattering. We found that the location of the N-I spinodal point is independent of the attraction, which was confirmed by theory. Surprisingly, the experiments showed that also the absolute induction time, the critical nucleus, and the growth rate are insensitive of the attraction if the concentration is scaled to the distance to the phase boundaries.