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Journal of Pragmatics

Publication date: 2014-01-01
Volume: 60 Pages: 226 - 250
Publisher: North-Holland Pub. Co.


Van linden, An
Van de Velde, Freek


subordination, insubordination, interpersonal meaning, exclamative force, hypoanalysis, Dutch, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Language & Linguistics, Subordination, Insubordination, Interpersonal meaning, Exclamative force, Hypoanalysis, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, 2004 Linguistics, 2203 Philosophy, Languages & Linguistics, 4704 Linguistics, 5204 Cognitive and computational psychology


This article presents an analysis of autonomous and semi-autonomous subordination patterns in Dutch, some of which have so far gone unnoticed. It proposes a four-way classification of such constructions with the general subordinator dat (‘that’), drawing on Internet Relay Chat corpus data of Flemish varieties. Generalizing over the four types and their various subtypes distinguished here, we find that they all share the semantic property of expressing interpersonal meaning, and most of them also have exclamative illocutionary force. We propose a diachronic explanation for this shared semantic-pragmatic value in terms of the concept of hypoanalysis, and assess to what extent our proposal meshes with extant ellipsis accounts of the patterns studied.