Journal of Forensic Sciences

Publication date: 1995-03-01
Volume: 40 Pages: 250 - 253
Publisher: Amer soc testing materials


Debrabandere, L
Van Boven, Maurits ; Daenens, Paul


toxicology, buprenorphine, fluoroimmunoassay, abuse, urine, chromatography, drug, radioimmunoassay, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Medicine, Legal, Legal Medicine, TOXICOLOGY, BUPRENORPHINE, FLUOROIMMUNOASSAY, ABUSE, URINE, CHROMATOGRAPHY, DRUG, RADIOIMMUNOASSAY, Buprenorphine, Calibration, Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid, Fluoroimmunoassay, Humans, Predictive Value of Tests, Reproducibility of Results, Substance Abuse Detection, 0399 Other Chemical Sciences, 0699 Other Biological Sciences, 1103 Clinical Sciences, Legal & Forensic Medicine, 3199 Other biological sciences, 3499 Other chemical sciences, 4402 Criminology


The development of a fluoroimmunoassay for the detection of buprenorphine in urine samples is described. Fluore-scein-norbuprenorphine and pseudobuprenorphine, the dimer of buprenorphine, were synthesized as tracer molecules. The antibodies were prepared by coupling the 2-diazobenzoic acid derivative of buprenorphine with bovine serum albumine, using the carbodiimide method. The assay was mainly used for the routine detection of buprenorphine in urine specimens of persons suspected of Temgesic(R) abuse. The minimum detectable dose of the immunoassay was calculated to be 20 ng/mL.