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International Conference on the European Energy Market, Date: 2013/05/27 - 2013/05/31, Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Publication date: 2013-05-31
ISSN: 9781479920082

Proceedings of 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market


Höschle, Hanspeter
Dupont, Benjamin ; Vingerhoets, Pieter ; Belmans, Ronnie


e3value Methodology, Networked Business Model, Demand Response, DynamicPricing, Economic Value


In a liberalized electricity market, the introduction of dynamic pricing for residential consumers has consequences on the whole network structure. This structure consists out of all market participants and their interactions. To assess the impact of dynamic pricing, an accessible representation of the network structure is implemented in a networked business model applying the e3value methodology. The focus of the model is on the interaction and value exchanges between market participants. Hereby, an economic analysis for all market participants is performed. Using the networked business model reveals the shifts of economic values triggered by dynamic pricing and the resulting demand response for all market participants throughout the network. An indication for the feasibility of dynamic pricing can be given.